Education for disaster mitigation

In our life, we can’t ensure our safety, and thus, we need to be aware of what kind of risk that surrounds us. To increase people awareness about disaster risk and how to respond during disaster, we are developing a so called “Disaster Mitigation Action Card” game. People often feel lazy to study or explore by themselves, however, this game enables education by playing, unconsciously. This game is designed as understandable as for elementary school student level. About the game, more information can be obtained from here. Furthermore, we also performed education for disaster mitigation utilizing science experiments.

  1. R. Kaneko, M. S. Al Farisi, S. Yamada, M. Kuri: “Evaluation of the Disaster Mitigation Action Card Game for International Students in Japan”, Tohoku J. Natural Disaster Sci. 54, pp. 279-284 (2018).
  2. H. Tetsuka, M. S. Al Farisi, T. Seki, Y. Kumagai, N. Araya, K. Miyanabe, M. Kuri: “Investigation of effective education for disaster mitigation by utilizing liquefaction experiment”, Tohoku J. Natural Disaster Sci. 55, pp. 203–208 (2019).
    • In Japanese: 手塚寛, M. S. Al Farisi, 関亜美, 熊谷裕太, 新谷直己, 宮鍋慶介, 久利美和: “液状化実験を活用した効果的な防災教育の検討” 東北地域災害科学研究 55 pp. 203–208.
  3. T. Seki, M. S. Al Farisi, H. Tetsuka, S. Ishibashi, Y. Kumagai, N. Araya, M. Kuri: “Support activities aimed at dissemination of voluntary and sustainable education for disaster mitigation: an example of the Disaster Mitigation Action Card Game”, Tohoku J. Natural Disaster Sci. 55, pp. 209–214 (2019).
    • In Japanese: 関亜美, M. S. Al Farisi, 手塚寛, 石橋信治, 熊谷裕太, 新谷直己, 久利美和: “自主的・持続的な防災教育活動の普及を目指した実施支援 -減災アクションカードゲームを例にー” 東北地域災害科学研究 55 pp. 209–214.