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アル・ファリシィ ムハンマド・サルマンのホームページへようこそ!広島市立大学 大学院情報科学研究科 医用情報科学専攻 講師です。
Welcome to the homepage of Muhammad Salman Al Farisi, a Lecturer (Junior Associate Professor) at Department of Biomedical Information Sciences, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, in Japan. We are studying MEMS (micro-electro mechanical systems), from materials to device and systems, particularly for biomedical applications. We are widely recruiting students and posdocs, occasionally with available funding. Please drop a contact for inquiries.
When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: ceaseless charity, a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him. – Muhammad bin Abdullah
News 最新情報
2025/02/11 | Our paper on the development of a sensor probe system for in-vivo respiration measurement has been published in IEEE Sensors Journal. |
2025/01/20 | Our paper on the laser ablation for time response enhancement of flexible thermal sensors has been published in IEEE Sensors Journal. |
2024/12/13 | Our paper on the sensor module for extravasation detection during intravenous drug administration has been published in Biomedical Microdevices. |
2024/12/01 | Our paper on the integration of MEMS flow sensor to tracheal intubation tube has been published in IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, or 電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌). |
2024/11/28 | Our works were presented (6 posters) at the Future Technologies from SENDAI 合同シンポジウム, 25-28 November 2024 in Sendai, Japan. One presentation was honored as a nominee for Excellent Poster Award 優秀ポスター発表賞 最終ノミネート論文. |
2024/11/21 | Our paper on the wearable sensor calibration has been published in Electronics. |
2024/11/07 | Our work was presented (1 oral) at the Pertemuan dan Presentasi Ilmiah Kalibrasi, Instrumentasi dan Metrologi (Meeting on Calibration, Instrumentation and Metrology), 7 November 2024 in Semarang, Indonesia. |
2024/10/23 | Presented (oral) in the invited pre-published journal paper track at the IEEE SENSORS 2024, 20-23 October 2024 in Kobe, Japan. Other 1 co-authored work was also presented (oral). |
2024/07/24 | Conducted a 3-day open course hands-on reseach project for high school students 情報科学部公開講座「高校生による情報科学自由研究」 Theme 2: "Respiration sensor using micromachine technology" マイクロマシン技術を用いた呼吸センサ. |
2024/06/26 | Presented (oral) at the 11th Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2024), 23-26 June 2024 in Singapore. Other 5 co-authored works were also presented (1 oral, 4 posters). |
2024/04/01 | Promoted to a Lecturer (Junior Associate Professor) at the Department of Biomedical Information Sciences, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University (Japan). At the same time passed the qualification to supervise Ph.D. student. |
2024/03/26 | Presented (oral) at the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors & Systems (IEEE INERTIAL 2024), 25-28 March 2024 in Hiroshima, Japan. |
2024/03/21 | Honored with Hiroshima City University FY2023 Faculty Award (Research) / 広島市立大学 2023年度教員表彰(分野: 研究). |
2024/03/03 | Our paper on the wearable sensor calibration has been published in IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. |
2024/02/29 | Acquired a public research grant from Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Kakenhi: Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (科研費「若手研究」) grant 24K21094. |
2024/02/21 | Our paper on the development of a sensor probe system based on Pitot tube mechanism has been published in IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. |
2023/11/18 | Our work was presented (oral) at the 12th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (AP-BIOMECH 2023), 15-18 November 2023 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
2023/11/17 | Presented (oral) at the 36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2023), 14-17 November 2023 in Sapporo, Japan. Other 2 co-authored works were also presented (1 oral, 1 poster). Chaired a session 17D-2 Microsystem Technology and MEMS II at the same conference. |
2023/11/09 | Our works were presented (2 oral, 3 posters) at the Future Technologies from KUMAMOTO 合同シンポジウム, 6-9 November 2023 in Kumamoto, Japan. One presentation was honored by Encouragement Award 奨励賞. |
2023/11/02 | Acquired a private research grant as a co-investigator from Hirose Foundation 公益財団法人ヒロセ財団 研究助成 (PI: Dr. Shunsuke Yamada, Tohoku University). |
2023/10/20 | Our paper on the facile packaging for flexible fiber accelerometer has been published in IEEE Sensors Letters. |
2023/08/26 | Delivered an invited talk at the Indonesian Diaspora Scientific Forum / Forum Ilmiah Diaspora Indonesia (FIDI), 24-26 August 2023 in Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia. |
2023/08/16 | Acquired a public research grant as a co-investigator from Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Adaptable and Seamless Technology transfer Program through target driven R&D (A-STEP) Industry-Academia Collaboration (Nurturing Stage) 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 研究成果展開事業研究成果最適展開支援プログラム(A-STEP)産学共同(育成型) (PI: Dr. Miyoko Matsushima, Nagoya University). |
2023/08/11 | Our work was presented (oral) at the 8th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA) 2023, 9-11 August 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia. |
2023/08/02 | Conducted a 3-day open course hands-on reseach project for high school students 情報科学部公開講座「高校生による情報科学自由研究」 Theme 3: "Respiration sensor using micromachine technology" マイクロマシン技術を用いた呼吸センサ. |
2023/06/29 | Presented (oral) at the 22th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers), 25-29 June 2023 in Kyoto, Japan. Also participated in the Future Visions for Transducers session and represented as a panelist in the panel discussion under theme "Future Visions for Transducers Fabrication". Other 2 co-authored works were also presented (poster). |
2023/05/29 | Acquired a private research grant from Satake Foundation 公益財団法人サタケ技術振興財団 大学研究助成金. |
2023/05/05 | Our paper on the facile in-tube-center packaging for flexible airflow microsensor has been published in IEEE Sensors Journal. |
2023/03/16 | Delivered an invited lecture for students in Biomedical Engineering Master Program, University of Indonesia. |
2023/01/01 | Our paper on the airflow analysis in the intubation tube has been published in IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, or 電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌). |
2022/12/24 | Our paper on the copper on polyimide flexible flow sensor has been published in Micromachines. |
2022/11/14 | Our work was presented (poster) at the 39th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems 電気学会 第39回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 14-17 November 2022 in Tokushima, Japan. |
2022/09/29 | Delivered an invited lecture for students in Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. |
2022/08/31 | Our book chapter on the utilization of polyimide for MEMS ポリイミドフィルム上へのMEMSセンサの作製 has been published in ポリイミドの高機能設計と応用技術 (Design of high performance polyimide and its technological applications). |
2022/08/05 | Conducted a 3-day open course hands-on reseach project for high school students 情報科学部公開講座「高校生による情報科学自由研究」 Theme 10: "Breath measurement using DIY sensor" 自作センサで呼吸を測ろう. |
2022/07/30 | Our paper on the wafer-level bonding using electroplated Al has been published in Micromachines. |
2022/06/03 | Our paper on the relief supply after the Great East Japan Earthquake (2011) has been published in 地域安全学会東日本大震災特別論文集 (Special Collection of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Institute of Social Safety Science). |
2022/06/01 | Our work was virtually presented (oral) at the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2022), 30 May-1 June 2022. The conference was originally scheduled to be hold in Shanghai, China, however, moved to virtual platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. |
2022/03/25 | Delivered an invited lecture for students in Engineering Physics Undergraduate Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. |
2022/02/16 | Our paper on the enhanced properties of the electrochemically deposited Al has been published in Scripta Materialia. |
2021/11/24 | Acquired a private research grant from Hirose Foundation 公益財団法人ヒロセ財団 研究助成. |
2021/11/11 | Our works (3) were virtually presented (2 real-time, 1 on-demand) at the 12th Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology 日本機械学会 第12回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 9-11 November 2021. The conference was originally scheduled to be hold in Himeji, Japan, however, moved to virtual platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. |
2021/11/06 | Chaired a session (Sensor & signal processing センサ・信号処理) at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, Chugoku-Shikoku Branch 第44回日本生体医工学会中国四国支部大会, 6 November 2021. Our works (2) were also virtually presented (oral). The conference was originally scheduled to be hold in Hiroshima, Japan, however, moved to virtual platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. |
2021/11/02 | Our work was virtually presented (poster) at the IEEE Sensors 2021, 31 October - 4 November 2021. The conference was originally scheduled to be hold in Sydney, Australia, however, moved to virtual platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. |
2020/10/16 | Our paper, a progress review on the biomedical application of MEMS has been published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. |
2021/09/29 | Featured in the Student's Voice page of Tohoku University International Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Course (IMAC). The interview was conducted in March 2021. |
2021/08/31 | Acquired a public research grant from Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Kakenhi: Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up (科研費「研究活動スタート支援」) grant no. 21K20518. |
2021/08/10 | Our industrial collaborator aqcuired a public research grant from Miyagi Organization for Industry Promotion (公益財団法人 みやぎ産業振興機構 みやぎ中小企業チャレンジ応援基金事業) for our collaborative work. |
2021/06/23 | Presented (virtually, poster) at the 21th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers), 20-25 June 2021. The conference was originally scheduled to be hold in Orlando, Florida, USA, however, moved to virtual platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. |
2021/04/29 | Presented (virtually, oral) at the Smart Systems Integration Conference 2021, 27-29 April 2021. The conference was originally scheduled to be hold in Grenoble, France, however, moved to virtual platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. |
2021/04/01 | Joined the Department of Biomedical Information Sciences, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University (Japan) as an Assistant Professor with the Medical Robot Laboratory. |
2021/03/25 | Graduated from Tohoku University, Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) in Robotics. Summary of Ph.D. Thesis. |
2021/01/22 | Successfully defended a Ph.D. dissertation entitled "Aluminum Electrochemical Deposition and Its Microsystem Applications" in the Department of Robotics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University. |
2020/12/12 | Homepage migrated to github. |
2020/10/28 | Presented (virtually, oral) at the 11th Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology 日本機械学会 第11回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 26-28 October 2020. The conference was originally scheduled to be hold in Kumamoto City, Japan, however, moved to virtual platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. |
2020/10/20 | Our paper on the material properties of the electrochemically deposited Al has been published in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. |
2020/10/09 | Presented (virtually, oral) at the Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical & Solid State Science (PRiME) 2020, 4-9 October 2020. The conference was originally scheduled to be hold in Hawaii, however, moved to virtual platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. |
2020/07/07 | Our work was virtually presented (oral) at the 2020 IEEJ Micromachine and Sensor System Workshop 令和2年度電気学会 マイクロマシン・センサシステム研究会, 7-8 July 2020. The conference was originally scheduled to be hold in Kusatsu City, Japan, however, moved to virtual platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. |
2020/04/09 | Our paper on the sealed cavity pressure evaluation method for micro-packages: zero-balance method is published in Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. |
2020/03/26 | Our work was virtually presented (oral) at the IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors & Systems (INERTIAL) 2020, 23-26 March 2020. The conference was originally scheduled to be hold in Hiroshima, Japan, however, moved to virtual platform due to COVID-19 pandemic. |
2020/02/29 | Our paper on the fabrication technique of quartz glass resonator is published in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. |
2019/11/21 | Our works (3) were presented (posters) at the 36th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems 電気学会 第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム and the 10th Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology 日本機械学会 第10回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 19-21 November 2019 in Hamamatsu, Japan. |
2019/10/17 | Our conference proceeding on sealed cavity pressure evaluation system is available online in Proceedings of IEEE MEMS 2019. |
2019/08/03 | Our work was presented (oral) at the Great East Japan Earthquake Workshop Series of the Institute of Social Safety Science 地域安全学会東日本大震災連続ワークショップ, 2-3 August 2019 in Minamisoma, Japan. |
2019/08/01 | Our papers on disaster education using liquefaction experiment and dissemination of the Disaster Mitigation Action Card game are published in Tohoku Journal of Natural Disaster Science. |
2019/04/20 | Our conference paper on Al electroplating presented in the 2018 International Conference on Electronics Packaging and iMAPS All Asia Conference (ICEP-IAAC) has been awarded "Outstanding Technical Paper Award" during the the 2019 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP) 17-20 April 2019 in Niigata, Japan. News from Tohoku University Mechanical Engineering Division. |
2019/04/01 | Started as a Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) DC2 Research Fellow at the Department of Robotics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University. |
2019/01/31 | Presented (poster) at the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 27-31 January 2019 in Seoul, South Korea. |
2018/12/23 | Our works (2) were presented (oral) at Tohoku Natural Disaster Science Conference, 22-23 December 2018 in Akita, Japan. The abstract is available here. |
2018/11/22 | Our paper on Al patterned electroplating is published in Micromachines. |
2018/09/21 | Left the Automotive & Industrial Systems Company, Panasonic Corporation. |
2018/09/02 | Joined the Automotive & Industrial Systems Company, Panasonic Corporation as an intern. |
2018/07/05 | Our paper on wafer-level packaging using electroplated-planarized Cu is published in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. |
2018/06/29 | Started as a graduate student researcher (博士研究教育院生) of the Division for Interdisciplinary Advanced Research and Education (DIARE) of Tohoku University (東北大学 学際高等研究教育院). *Officially starts from April 2018. |
2018/06/07 | Our conference proceeding on Al electroplating is available online in Proceedings of ICEP-IAAC 2018. |
2018/05/20 | Our work was presented (oral) at Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting, 20-24 May 2018 in Chiba, Japan. The abstract is available here. |
2018/05/18 | Our paper on the implementation of the Disaster Mitigation Action Card game is published in Tohoku Journal of Natural Disaster Science. |
2018/04/20 | Presented (oral) at ICEP-IAAC 2018, 17-21 April 2018 in Kuwana, Japan. |
2018/04/04 | Enrolled to Tohoku University, Department of Robotics, Graduate School of Engineering (doctoral course). |
2018/03/27 | Graduated from Tohoku University, Master of Engineering in Robotics. |
2018/01/07 | Our work was presented (oral) at Tohoku Natural Disaster Science Conference, 6-7 January 2018 in Hachinohe, Japan. The abstract is available here. |
2017/08/01 | Our conference proceeding on wafer-level packaging using electroplated-planarized Cu is available online in Proceedings of Transducers 2017. |
2017/07/21 | Our booth in Science Day 2017 (Academic City: Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture) on 16 July 2017, featuring the Disaster Mitigation Action Card Game, has been honored with the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) Award. |
2017/07/10 | Presented (oral, invited) at the Nanotechnology Platform Student Training Program, Tohoku University (10-14 July 2017). |
2017/06/22 | Presented (poster) at the 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers), 18-22 June 2017 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. |
2017/06/15 | Left the Department of System Packaging at Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems (ENAS). |
2017/02/25 | Disaster Mitigation Action Card (DMAC) Game has been honored with Ofunato Trading Hall Award (大船渡伝承館賞) at the Disaster Prevention & Mitigation Contest (被災地と共に考える 防災・減災コンテスト) held by the Ofunato Trading Hall (大船渡伝承館). |
2017/02/24 | Presented (oral and poster) at the 2nd USTB-TU Joint Workshop on Advanced Materials and Manufacture, 21-24 February 2017 in Beijing, China. Our paper has been honored with the Best Poster Award. |
2017/01/31 | Joined the Department of System Packaging at Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems (ENAS) in Germany as a visiting researcher (student). |
2016/12/01 | Our conference proceeding on wafer-level packaging using electroplated-planarized Au is available online in Proceedings of IEEE NEMS 2016. |
2016/11/30 | Our paper on wafer-level packaging using electroplated-planarized Au is published in Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. |
2016/09/07 | Attended TFC ELyT School 2016: Comprehensive Research on Materials, Systems and Energy for a Sustainable Future of the Earth in Sendai, Japan. |
2016/08/08 | Attended Next Generation Automobiles, Miyagi Area Summer Camp 2016 in Osaki, Japan. |
2016/04/20 | Presented (oral) at IEEE NEMS 2016, 17-20 April 2016 in Sendai and Matsushima City, Japan. |
2016/04/06 | Started as a scholar of Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation. |
2016/04/06 | Enrolled to Tohoku University, Department of Robotics, Graduate School of Engineering, and Inter-Graduate School Doctoral Degree Program on Science for Global Safety, Leading Graduate School. |
2016/03/25 | Graduated from Tohoku University, Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering. |
2016/02/26 | Homepage of Muhammad Salman Al Farisi is started. |
Calendar 予定表
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Hiroshima City University
3-4-1 Ozuka-Higashi, Asaminami-ku, Hiroshima, 731-3194 Japan
Faculty of Information Sciences Bld. - Room 743
〒731-3194 広島市安佐南区大塚東3丁目4-1
情報科学部棟 743号室
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Phone 電話番号: (+81) 082-830-1748 (ext. 4743)